Saturday, June 21, 2008

Change is Hard

I had to change babysitters. It was such a hard choice because my kids were at the old sitter for over 3 years. There were two situations that I knew wouldn't change and I couldn't live with them. So, we found someone new and made a change. It was hard because my old sitter was someone I considered a friend. Things were comfortable there and very routine after being there so long. Now things are different. My daughter was sad to make a change too because she had friends at the old sitter. She's a very friendly girl, but it's mostly boys at the new babysitters house. I hope she can enjoy herself somewhat this summer. Once school starts it won't matter as much because she'll be in 1st grade and at school most of every day. I feel a little sad about moving the kids, but it's something I felt that I had to do. Somedays being a grown up is harder than others!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Bad Blogger

I'm definitely a bad blogger. I haven't posted on here since March! I just got busy with my health problems and my kids and found a really great site called CafeMom
I spend my computer free time on there.

I'm feeling better, but still not 100% back. I can't eat as much as I used to and I still have some tummy troubles. I'm much better than I was this winter though and I'm thankful for that.

My daughter finished Kindergarten with flying colors! Her expected reading level was a 3 at the end of the year, but she had a 28. Talk about being a proud mommy! She just finished her 3rd dance recital. She's growing up too fast.

My son finished preschool and will be going back for one more year. We thought about doing t-ball this year, but we decided too late. I guess that will be something for next summer.

I'm having a babysitting dilemma at the moment. One of those important decisions that you have to make as a parent and hope you do the right thing.

If you're stopping back in after not visiting for a while, thanks for checking in!