Friday, February 17, 2006

Almost Two!

Tomorrow I am having a birthday party for my son's 2nd birthday. The big day isn't until Monday, but we have to have the party a few days early. I can't believe that it's been 2 years since he was born. His due date was actually on March 7th, so he surprised us by being a February baby. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised because my daughter was born 10 days before her due date. I never knew what it was like to be an overdue mom waiting for the day to come. The only disappointing thing about my son's birthday was that he chose to be born while my midwife was in California visiting her daughter. I got stuck with the most horrible midwife ever! His birth story was not a good one and to this day I'm upset when thinking about it. I often wonder if I would have stayed home, rested and drank water if he would have been born on a different day. Instead I went to the birth center at the hospital and ended up having my water broken by the before mentioned horrible midwife and ended up with a long and horribly painful labor that ended with a totally surprised and unplanned water birth. I'll never forget just looking at him after he was born and not really feeling any emotion. I was so exhausted and traumatized that I couldn't feel anything. My daughter's birth was perfect in my mind and the midwife that delivered her was wonderful! I just couldn't believe how this birth had managed to go so wrong. I was healthy and so was my baby, but it was just such a different experience from before. Oh well, it's been 2 years and I should be over that. What's important is that I have a beautiful little boy who lights up each and every day and he's getting ready to turn two!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

My Poor Hubby

I'm at work right now and my poor hubby just called to say that if one more spill happens he's going to lose it. I guess the 2-year old boy dumped the entire gallon jug of milk on the floor and then at some point the 4-year old girl dumped her large glass of chocolate milk on the floor by the computer. I have to smile because I can so relate! I only work part-time so I'm usually the one dealing with the large frustrating spills and such that occur often at our home. I guess I can take it better because I'm so used to it. He told me once that if I could get a job that would support the family he would stay home with the kids, but I think he may change his mind after these Saturday babysitting gigs!

Friday, February 10, 2006


I've just realized what a boring blog I've had so far! Thanks to my son coming down with Pneumonia I haven't been able to add anything exciting. After a weekend of no sleep I took my son to the doctor last Monday and discovered that he had Pneumonia. Now we've been doing antibiotics, breathing treatments and cough medicine (at night only). What a week, but he's finally on the mend. My daughter has decided that when her brother is sick he gets way too much attention. :) I'm just glad that he's hopefully going to be better by his birthday which is just over a week away.