Friday, August 31, 2007

Nice Matters

Thank you to Katie at Boasting in My Weakness! She chose me for the Nice Matters Award. I really appreciate this award because I often wonder if my blog matters. So go over and check out Katie's blog!
I also get to choose 7 people that I get to give this award to. Here are the qualifications, “This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award.” Now I will list my seven:
1. The first person that comes to mind is Bree at Buhtafly Wings. She is a blogger that I've been reading for a long time. I feel like I have a lot in common with her and her blog is great! She also drops by my blog often to leave me comments and encouragement.
2. Hope at Hope for the TaTa's receives this award for sure! She is very inspiring and has a great blog. Again, I always enjoy receiving her comments at my blog as well.
3. Blackpurl has a blog that is inspiring and I should read it more often! I know she reads my blog because she always leaves me a nice comment.
4. I am awarding one to the Hoosier Family. Definitely stop by and see this great blog.
5. Here is one for Mandalyn at Grace & Hope. Another place I enjoy visiting.
6. Michelle at Military Mommy is on a blogging break, but I still think that she deserves this award.
7. My final award goes to Mike at Something about Parenting. I am a little sad to admit that I often forget to stop by his blog, but he deserves this award for always leaving me the nicest and encouraging comments!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back to Preschool

My little boy went back to preschool this week. He has a new teacher, both new to him and new to the school. She seems to be super friendly and he has adjusted much better this year! He only attended preschool for a few months last year when he turned 3, but his teacher wasn't very friendly. I saw her this morning at the school and she wasn't talking very nice to a little boy in her class. It made me really thankful that my son doesn't have her again. The teachers aid in his class is new this year, but I actually worked with her when I was a senior in high school. I had a co-op job through my school and this lady was my boss in an office. It's a little strange having her be my sons teachers aid. I did some things in high school that I would change if I could, and I know she knows about some of them. I guess we all make mistakes when we are young! It just makes the situation a little awkward. I'm focusing on the positive of having a really great teacher. She tries to interact with my son and that helps him want to stay at school. I'm looking forward to a good year!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

100th Post

Well, somehow it seems I missed post number 100 and have reached 102! However, I am still going to do my 100 things about me in honor of reaching and unknowingly passing my 100th post.

1. I live with my husband, daughter & son.
2. I am the youngest of two girls.
3. There is 6 1/2 years difference in age between me & my sister.
4. I gave birth to both of my kids with a midwife.
5. I love pregnancy and birth!
6. My favorite color is pink.
7. I love bags and purses.
8. I love cherry print clothes, bags and etc.
9. I love to eat at Olive Garden.
10. My husband is 3 months younger than I am.
11. I would be a shop-a-holic if I had more money.
12. I love to wear summer shoes.
13. I love every season except for winter.
14. I love to talk to people.
15. My kids are 26 months apart in age.
16. My dream job would be a Doula (professional labor assistant).
17. I have emetophobia.
18. I was excellent at reading and English in school.
19. I was horrible at both math and science.
20. I never had any relatives that lived in my home town other than my immediate family.
21. My Grandma has Alzheimer's disease.
22. My Grandpa is 81 years old and healthy as can be.
23. My mom was a stay at home mom.
24. My dad has always owned his own businesses and been his own boss.
25. I love to take naps.
26. I love to go to weddings.
27. I have naturally curly hair.
28. I love to vacation in Florida.
29. I love going to nice motels/hotels.
30. I like a variety of types of music.
31. I'm not very patient.
32. I snack when I'm bored.
33. I love ice cream in a freshly made waffle cone.
34. I do not ride amusement park rides.
35. I despise haunted houses and haunted attractions.
36. I love taking my kids to the pumpkin patch in the fall.
37. I love reading historical romance when I have time.
38. I would love to have a third baby if my husband wanted one.
39. I could never babysit other people's children.
40. I only have nephews.
41. I enjoy watching t.v.
42. I don't like air conditioning unless it's really hot or humid.
43. I'm almost always cold.
44. I love fleece blankets.
45. I love crawling into bed at night.
46. If we rent movies at home I'm pretty likely to fall asleep.
47. I require a lot of sleep.
48. I am not a night owl or a morning person.
49. I don't drink alcohol very often.
50. I have never been drunk.
51. I only wear one ring on each hand.
52. I am close to a lot of my husbands family.
53. I bowl on a league with my mom.
54. I am not very athletic.
55. I would love to go to Paris someday.
56. I don't enjoy flying, but I will.
57. I love tea, hot or cold, but is has to have sugar in it.
58. I love strawberry smoothies with whip cream.
59. I love Cool Whip. I will even eat it plain.
60. I don't like store bought birthday cake.
61. My house doesn't stay clean very long.
62. I don't like cleaning, but I do like organizing.
63. I love having a dishwasher.
64. When I was growing up I never had chores to do.
65. I try to always accept other peoples beliefs even if they are not my own.
66. I love to watch A Baby Story.
67. I had both of my kids without epidurals or pain medication.
68. I had an unplanned water birth with my son.
69. I am terrified of bees, crickets and grasshoppers.
70. I do not like to drive on the interstate.
71. I love the ocean.
72. Going to the doctor always makes me nervous.
73. I prefer female physicians.
74. I had dental surgery when I was 6 years old.
75. I honeymooned in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
76. My birthday and anniversary are both on the 31st of a month.
77. I love Christmas.
78. My husbands family always asks me to bring Taco Salad to family get togethers.
79. I make a delicious Butterscotch Snack Cake.
80. My mom & I have a special chocolate chip cookie recipe.
81. I always make my kids Knox Blocks jello to take to school.
82. I like to have flannel sheets on my bed in the winter.
83. Between Coke & Pepsi, I'm a Coke girl.
84. My wedding colors were periwinkle blue & yellow.
85. I wanted tulips at my wedding, but apparently they don't do well in July heat.
86. I like snapdragons.
87. I love the food we have at Thanksgiving.
88. I rarely ever buy things that aren't on sale.
89. I love Gymboree, but I can't afford it!
90. I work at a Children's Boutique.
91. I've mostly worked office jobs.
92. My husband owns his own business.
93. I love good portrait photography.
94. I try to always take my digital camera with me.
95. I try to scrapbook for my kids, but I'm about a year behind.
96. I buy and sell on Ebay.
97. I love reading blogs.
98. My hips are way bigger then my bust! LOL!
99. I love my husband!
100. I love my kids!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Top Momma

Hey! I just found out that I'm a Top Momma! Go there and give me a vote so I can stay on their main page. Very exciting!

Welcome Baby!

At 12:16 a.m. this morning we welcomed a new baby cousin into our family! She weighed 8lbs 7oz and was 20 inches long. She's doing great although her mom is a little sore. The baby has a sister that is going to be 3 in October. When she was born she was 7 weeks early and only weighed 4lbs. So this new baby is double the size that her little sister was. I'm very happy for our cousin because her labor was quick and fairly easy. She was able to have natural childbirth and a good experience. Her last birth was induced due to severe pre-eclampsia and she had an awful time. I'm hoping to go see them tonight after work!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

County Fair Ends Drought

The County Fair has officially ended the drought that we've been experiencing. Everyone has been excited about going to the fair and it's various activities and now for two days straight it has poured rain. I can count on one hand the number of times we've had rain this summer, thus leaving us with a drought. Now it's raining like crazy with more to come! It's great to have the rain, but sad when the kids have been looking forward to this all summer. The whole town is saying "leave it to the fair to bring the rain." This won't be the first time that it's basically been a wash out. Oh well! At this rate we're taking a boat there!

Friday, August 17, 2007

~Off to the Fair~

We are off to the fair! Our county fair starts today and my daughter has been counting down. She loves the games, food and a few of the rides. My son on the other hand loves the rides, food and some of the games. LOL! My husband was able to get a booth for his new business at the last minute. He's really excited about the opportunity to have thousands of people exposed to his business name. My mother-in-law also has a spot for her business and is heading up our Little Miss & Mister pageant. I've been helping her with that, so we've all been super busy.

My poor sister-in-law got a couple of hair line fractures in her foot a couple of weeks ago, so she's not going to get to do much at the fair. She's 12 years old, so it's definitely a disappointment for her.

I got my son's preschool packet in the mail yesterday. He'll have a brand new teacher this year.

We go on Monday to find out who my daughter will have for a Kindergarten teacher. I really don't know most of them though. All my grade school teachers have pretty much retired. That makes me feel pretty old! Speaking of school and getting old - my class reunion is tomorrow! I can't wait to see all my old friends.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Surprise for the Kids

My husband has been so busy this summer! He started his own business in May and he's working 6 days a week-plus some. We haven't had as much together time as a family as we would all like so he decided to give the kids a little surprise on Saturday. When he got off work we left home to go for about an hour drive. My husband also had to get fitted for a tux, so we just told the kids that we were going out of town for that. After the tux fitting the kids were hungry and kept asking their Dad if we could get something to eat. Well this is were he surprised them by pulling into Chuck E. Cheese! Our 3 year old son doesn't ever remember being there, but he knows who Chuck E. Cheese is because we buy their brand of snack cheese. So, he was totally amazed to see that there was a real place with Chuck E.'s face on it. My daughter was so happy as well. I think she told her Dad thank you about 20 times throughout the evening. It was honestly a lot of fun for all of us. I was just a little nervous because I think those type of places are so germy! That's O.K. though. It was worth it because it made the kids so happy. My husband definitely earned the super Dad award for volunteering to take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Heat Wave

There is a heat wave here in the great Midwest. Just a couple of weeks ago we were having unusually cool weather and now it's been in the mid to upper 90's for about a week and it's supposed to continue for another week at least.
Here where I live we are preparing for our County Fair to start next week. We all hope that the heat will disappear before then! My daughter is counting the days until the fair starts. She loves everything about it. We have one of the biggest county fairs in our state. This will be the first year in many that my husband isn't competing in the Demolition Derby. Since he started his own business in May he hasn't had the time or money for this hobby of his.
We are also counting down until school starts. My daughter will be riding the school bus to Kindergarten this year. I asked her the other day if I was allowed to cry on her first day of school and she told me no! I don't know where the last 5 1/2 years have gone. It's also a terrible year for her to start school. Our local school system is in a major transition period because of failed school levies. They shut down two buildings and integrated all grades into the same buildings rather than by where you live. It's a real mess and there is a lot of controversy going on. I'm hoping things clear up before next year or we may have to consider some schooling changes.
I hope everyone is enjoying their last few weeks of summer!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

How We Met

In honor of my Anniversary this week I thought I would tell a brief story of how we met.

My sophomore year of high school I met a guy. He was good looking, charming and had a great family. We dated for two years and had a lot of ups and downs. I met a whole new group of people by dating him. It was funny because he was a very controlling person and most of his friends liked him, but didn't like the way he treated me. Anyway, one of his friends and I became pretty good friends. When my high school sweetheart and I broke up (right before my senior year) this friend of his had just started dating someone and it was pretty serious. So, I started dating a whole string of guys and my friend would tell me why each of them was totally wrong for me.
Towards spring of that next year I told this guy friend of mine that I had feelings for him that were more than just friendship. It turns out that he felt the same way. It took him a while to break it off gently with his girlfriend. They had been dating for about 9 months and she had already bought a prom dress with plans to go with him. So, he took her to prom and I went with his cousin (as friends). The day after prom we started officially dating. Of course this "friend" is the guy I ended up marrying! We were together for a year before we became engaged and then we were together another year before we got married.
I'm so thankful that I met him! You never know what road will lead you to the person you're meant to be with.