Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Small Town Tragedy

The small town I live in has suffered a major tragedy this week. On Sunday morning I was coming home from my mother-in-law's house when I saw a huge amount of black smoke filling the horizon. As I got closer to town I could see that the smoke was coming from the area of downtown where both of my parents have businesses. So, I drove that way to make sure it wasn't there buildings on fire. There were many fire trucks, ambulances and police cars in the area. I could see that it was duplex on fire and I went on home. I really just figured that it was a big fire and they were taking extra effort to keep it from spreading to the local business area, but I was very wrong.
Everyone in our small town found out on Monday morning that the fire had taken five lives. Four of those lives were that of young children. The names of the victims have not been officially released, but many people already know who it was that passed away. I heard that three of the children were 6, 5 & 4. We know for sure that two people had to jump out of a 2nd story window to survive. I also heard that the 9-1-1 call was released on the radio yesterday. My husband heard it and he told me that if it came on and I was listening to turn it off. He knows I'm soft-hearted and a mother and he knew it would be too much for me. It was truly too much for him.
No one knows yet what started the fire or why all these people were unable to escape. They have called in state investigators to try and figure out the cause.
Of course we don't know the family's name yet, but please say a prayer for them. God knows who they are.


Kim said...

Oh my how awful. That just breaks my heart. That family will be in my prayers. I am like you, especially since becoming a mom I am so tender-hearted when it comes to kids. I can't even imagine. It is horrible!

dawn224 said...


Cindy said...

That is very sad. They will definitely be in my prayers.

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving your name. I really enjoyed reading your blog. I think that is really neat about your "treasure" from your grandmother.