Tuesday, July 24, 2007

28 Week Twins

UPDATED - I just found out that Baby A is 2lbs 11oz and 15" long, she already has had her breathing tube removed. Baby B is 2lbs 9 1/2oz and 15" long, they are planning on removing her breathing tube yet this afternoon. Their mom did have steroids prior to them being born because she was hospitalized last week when they thought one of the babies water had broken already. So, so far so good! I hope that they both continue to do well!
My husbands cousin gave birth yesterday to twin girls at 28 weeks pregnant. When my husband spoke to the daddy last night he said that so far the babies looked good. I haven't heard anything more today and I want to know how they are so bad! The problem is that they live 13 hours away from here and I always talk directly to the little girls' mommy and she's in the hospital! I'm worried about the babies. My sister had a 33 week preemie and he appeared to be fine right after birth, but complications arose a little later. He's fine now, but you just never know. I don't know the babies names or anything yet. Getting information from men and through men is never as detailed as I would like it to be! Anyway, say a little prayer for the girls if you pray and I'll keep everyone posted.


Susan said...

Thoughts and prayers are with them. We have a family friend whose daughter was born at about 27-29 weeks. She fit in the palm of a hand at birth. She is now a teenager with absolutely no problems. Doctors can do amazing things these days.

Bree said...

I will be sending prayers! as long as the dates were right, "most" the time, at 28 weeks the babies will be doing good. :) Girls do better then boys and I know we had wanted our girls to just make it to 28 weeks- that was our goal. at 28 weeks there are little to no major problems. There will of course be a few things but that will just take time, like keeping body heat, learning to eat etc :) hugs and prayers!

Lainey-Paney said...

I'll be sending prayers too!
The NICU is such a roller coaster ride...

Anonymous said...

im praying for your twins too.. im 28 weeks today with twin girls baby a is jazlyn and baby b is jaydan. so i know how you feel alittle bit. i think to myself is it the day my girls come to this world and if they do will they be ok... i hurt to think if they do come soon. will they have to stay in the hosp. that hurts me to think i will have to leave they..just keep your head up and know that they will come home soon.. my sister inlaw had her baby at 26 weeks she was 2lb and 10on. she losted alot at first but come home a mon. later and has be great since.. so dont think about it to much and think about what you are going to do with they when they come home..

thinking about all jamie