Friday, June 29, 2007

Avalanche Ranch

My kids just finished up a week of Bible school. This year the theme where they attended was Avalanche Ranch. It was right up their alley because their grandparents have horses and they love that kind of stuff. My daughter loves to go because she gets to be with her cousin. It was the first year that my son went because he just turned 3 in February. He had a great time and already asked me if he was going there tonight. I'm glad my kids get to go and that they enjoy it! It was also a nice time to have some time to myself. Sunday evening I spent quality time with my husband, Monday evening I went to my mom's house and used her tanning bed, Tuesday night I had a ladies night out with my bowling team gals, and last night my mom and I took a very quick shopping trip. I believe I hit 5 stores at the mall in just 45 minutes! My legs were sore today from walking so fast! LOL!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Importance of Teeth

Yesterday my daughter had dental surgery done. She is 5 years old and already had to have extensive dental work. We have always brushed her teeth and done what we thought we should, but do to her teeth being tight together and etc. it wasn't enough. We were told that we should have been flossing them all along. Now she had fillings and caps on some of her teeth and due to all the work they did they had to put her to sleep. She had a really hard time coming around and getting awake which was a little worrisome, and I'm really upset that they had to cap some of her teeth. I feel like it's all my fault! Plus, I'm afraid she'll get teased about the silver caps they put on her teeth. It made me really sad when I saw what they had done to her mouth. I never realized the importance of flossing on a child that young. :(

Monday, June 25, 2007

Thanks for the support!

I want to say thank you to everyone who e-mailed me about my last post. It's nice to have support and encouragement!

I am a person who has always felt drawn to pregnancy and childbirth. Even before I had my own babies I thought about becoming a doula to help other women who were expecting. Then I became pregnant and learned even more. Pregnancy for me was a wonderful time. I felt healthier while carrying my babies. I had a midwife who treated me like I was her best friend and only patient. My first birth was picture perfect! My second birth was rough, but I still walked away feeling amazed at how my body worked to grow this precious life. My son was an unplanned water birth and that brought me to the realization of how wonderful the water can be!

I don't know if I could ever explain exactly how I feel about being pregnant. When I had my first child and came home from the hospital I cried because I missed being pregnant. Don't get me wrong I loved my new baby, but I felt a tiny bit of sadness as well. All the nights of rubbing my belly with lotion were over. I would also miss feeling her kicks and having that special connection just between us. I once read a poem about the last night you're pregnant and it was awesome! It was all about cherishing those last moments with your child before it joins the world.

I just love everything about starting a new life! As most of you know, there is nothing like a newborn baby and what they bring to you. Of course my two children bring me joy as well and I am so thankful for them!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thinking - Wanting

Do any of you who are done having children ever think that you want another child? I feel so often that I want a third baby. My husband is totally against another pregnancy. He says that we have a daughter and a son, both who arrived healthy, what more could we ask for? I guess because my little one is 3 years old and no longer a baby I am feeling like I want another one. I was always open to possibly having three children and at one time my husband was as well. He just feels that financially we can't afford any more. He wants to give his current family all that he can without adding anything else. I had two wonderful pregnancies and can't imagine never experiencing all that again. I will of course respect what my husband wants, but there are days when it is difficult. I mention a third baby every once in a while just in case he changes his mind, but personally I would want one soon or not at all. I think the age difference is rapidly approaching being too much! I guess I'm really just thinking out loud. I know that someone out there is probably facing similar feelings. It's nice to know that you're not alone in your thoughts.

Friday, June 22, 2007

July 4th Giveaway at 5 Minutes for Mom

Those fabulous ladies at 5 Minutes for Mom are gearing up for the 4th of July with tons of contests! Check out the button on the side of my blog, it will take you straight to all the action. Make sure you leave a comment everytime you see a contest that you would like to enter. That's how you might possibly win!


My daughter was looking forward to going to a Daisy Girl Scout meeting last night. The girls were going to meet at the park, make some crafts and deliver them to the nursing home. Well, when I picked her up at the baby sitter's house she mentioned that my daughter had been kind of laying around all afternoon. I immediately felt her head and it was burning up! I was a little mad that my sitter didn't check her head if she was just laying around, totally not like my daughter. When we got home her temp was 101.3 by underarm measurement's. She had no other symptoms really, just tired and feverish. I almost gave her Motrin when I suddenly remembered she's scheduled for outpatient dental surgery next Wednesday and you can't have Motrin for 2 weeks before surgery! Close call on my part! So, she had Tylenol every four hours until we went to bed. I checked her at 5:30 this morning and her temp was 102.2! Yikes! More Tylenol and when she woke up around 10:00 the fever seemed to have disappeared. I have no idea what was going on, but it does seem like the fever lasted just long enough to ruin her evening.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


This morning my little boy decided that he really wanted to go with Grandpa on his big semi. The problem is Grandpa was miles away and a semi isn't exactly the place for a 3 year old. I let him call his Grandpa and upon hanging up he asked me if Grandpa would be there to get him in a minute. It's so hard for him to understand that he can't go or that even if he could Grandpa couldn't be back to pick him up that quick. He cried all the way to the babysitters house and then once we got there he settled down until I had to leave and he started crying again. Poor kid was definitely having a rough morning. Before he ever opened his eyes I heard him crying and when I went in his room he was crying for popcorn. He must have had some interesting dreams to be crying about popcorn and going on Grandpa's truck! I asked him if he would miss me if he was on the truck for a week and he said "I'm not crying about you!" It was too funny. I'm hoping that by the time I pick him up this afternoon he'll have forgotten about his current bright idea!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy Early Father's Day!

I don't know that I'll be on my blog over the weekend, so I want to wish a Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. My husband is a great dad, and my son especially thinks he's #1. I have grown to appreciate my Dad a lot more now that I'm grown up. We actually get along better now that we're both adults. I enjoy a good debate with my Dad because we don't always see eye to eye, but I can express my opinions now that I don't live at home! Lol! My mom's dad passed away when she was just a little girl and I know that Father's Day always makes her miss the dad that she never got to have. We also celebrate my husband's step-dad. He is a great guy and is a really good Grandpa to my kids. So, enjoy all the Father's in your life!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Good Weekend

It was a really nice, but busy weekend. On Saturday my daughter had dance recital practice and then afterwards just her and I went to Bob Evan's and ate breakfast. We really enjoyed that special time, just us girls. After that we went to Wal-Mart and did some shopping for her aunt's birthday that was Sunday. We went home and laid down to take a nap together, but mine kept getting disturbed by the phone and doorbell!
That night my husband and I actually had a date! We went to Lowe's to pick something up and then we ate at the Olive Garden. It is one of our favorite places! I even enjoyed a new drink there called a Tuscan Breeze. Yum!
Sunday was another dance practice and then a cookout for my 12 year old sister-in-law's birthday. We enjoyed visiting with the family and the weather was great. It was sunny and warm, with a breeze, so it wasn't hot. Very nice.
I don't mind being busy when I enjoy the things I'm doing. I just love summer!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Gearing Up

Here at Mom Tu-Tu we are gearing up for the big dance review week. Starting tomorrow my daughter, age 5 1/2, will have practice very night but Monday which is picture night. Then Thursday, Friday and Saturday she will get to perform on stage. Last year she loved it all! She has been asking for a year when she could be on stage again. She also told her babysitter that she should come and watch her because she wants to dance for lots of people that she knows. She loves to be in the spotlight! She is actually doing two dances this year instead of just one. I can't wait to see her up there on the stage. Last year I got tears in my eyes because I was so proud of her. It's also fun for me because she takes dance from the same teacher I took lessons from for 12 years of my childhood. We've come full circle! I think in a year or two we are going to take the mother/daughter class that is offered. I can't wait!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

E Coli

********We just found out that it was simply a case of a contaminated urine sample. Thank God!*****************
I just found out that my sisters new baby has to go back to the doctor again. They did a urine test when he was at the hospital for jaundice and it came back positive for E Coli. They don't know anything yet about what this means for the baby, but my sister is really down. First the jaundice, then her older son being sick and now the baby having some type of E Coli infection. The poor girl! I know what it's like to feel like you're on a downward slide with the kids. I've definitely had moments with my own family! I sure hope things start looking up for her and her family soon.

Reading Girl

My 5 1/2 year old daughter who just finished preschool has managed to teach herself how to read. I know they didn't teach it to them at preschool, and she can already read books that are for early readers. She has always seemed smart to me and self taught herself many things. I can remember when she was around two and my mom wore a triangle shaped diamond necklace, all of a sudden she pointed to it and said triangle. We didn't even know that she knew her shapes! It took her a little while to talk, I think she was 18 months old before she ever said much, but once she did, she amazed us. I sometimes wonder if I only think she's smart because she's my daughter, but strangers comment on her verbal skills. She has totally adult conversations and uses big words. Just yesterday she told me that she sometimes adds words to the stories in books to make them more convincing. I hope that once she gets in Kindergarten this fall I'll have a better idea of if she really is ahead of the game. It always makes you wonder if you have a child that will excel or if it's all in the eye of the parent! :)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Daddy's Boy

My son has really been a daddy's boy here lately. This morning before he ever opened his eyes he said "where's my daddy." My husband is busy starting a business and my son wants to be out there all the time. The business involves heavy equipment and tools which every 3 year old little boy would love! I had to let him call his dad this morning because he was so upset that he wasn't home. When they got done talking I asked him what daddy said, and he said "I don't want to talk about it." It was too funny! I have a daughter, but she was never really a daddy's girl. It's interesting to see this little guy and he's closeness with his dad. It's a pretty special relationship and I love to see that. My husband is far from being close to his dad, so it's nice to see him have a bond with his own son.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Franklin Contest

Those fabulous ladies at 5 minutes for mom are now hosting a Franklin the Turtle video contest. Go on over and sign up!

The Week in Review

What a week! Monday was Memorial Day and we had a fish fry at my parents house. Tuesday I worked and then spent the evening at the hospital with my sister who was having her baby. Wednesday I worked again, and then went to my husbands shop where he is starting a new business and did computer work for him until 10:30 p.m. Yesterday I worked (you see a pattern here because my sister & I work alternating days at my mom's store and now that she's had a baby I'm full time for the next six weeks.) It was also my birthday yesterday so we went out to dinner with my parents and then had dessert at my dad's restaurant. Today I'm working and then as soon as I get off work my daughter has her dance class. Being a full time working mom is more than I could have ever imagined!

My sister called my mom to report that her June is off to a lousy start. The new baby is 1 point away from being jaundiced and having to be under the lights. Her older son (age 4) starting vomiting this morning on the way to the newborns doctors appointment. Now she needs to keep herself and the baby away from him, which is so hard for a 4 year old to understand. Little HWF has to be at Children's hospital in the morning to have his blood level tested again. I sure hope things start looking up for her soon.

My husband is really frustrated because he was supposed to open his new business today and there was a major roadblock that just appeared in his plan yesterday afternoon.

Let's hope that June doesn't become another nightmare month like April was! May was rather nice even though it was busy for us. Any month without a lot of sickness is a good one for me!